Breathing Analysis

signals processing
machine learning

Project Description

What can our breathing tell us about ourselves? When we feel anxious, often we are told (or tell ourselves) to take a deep breath. By analyzing changes in breathing patterns, coupled with movement data, can we begin to understand how the person is feeling? Or predict onset of respiratory illnesses?

  • What can our breathing tell us about ourselves? When we feel anxious, often we are told (or tell ourselves) to take a deep breath.
  • Continuous monitoring of respiration has not been possible due to lack of non-invasive sensors. Typically, respiratory tests are limited to clinical settings and cannot be performed continuously on a daily basis.
  • We use the Spire tag, a wearable sensor to continuously capture data from a force sensor, triaxial accelerometer, and PPG recorded at 25 samples per second. From this, we can obtain respiration, movement, and heart rate.
  • We seek to characterize daily human behavior and to identify various physical and mental conditions. By analyzing changes in breathing patterns, coupled with movement data, can we begin to understand how the person is feeling? Or predict onset of respiratory illnesses?